Signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma vary widely. Neuroblastoma may not show any signs or symptoms while the tumor is small, and may be found by chance as a lump in the abdomen at the time of an infant health examination or it may be found on an x-ray film taken when the child has cold symptoms, for example. If a tumor grows and increases in size, it may be noticed as abdominal swelling, and a hard lump may be felt when you touch the abdomen. In many children, neuroblastoma has progressed to an advanced stage and metastasized when it is found based on signs or symptoms at the site of metastasis. If it metastasizes to the bone, for example, it may be noticed as a bump on the head, swelling of the eyelids, or pain of the legs or arms. In children who are not able to express pain, you may notice that they limp or refuse to walk. Neuroblastoma often metastasizes to the bone marrow. With bone marrow metastasis, children may have a pale complexion (anemia), bruise easily (hemorrhagic macules), or have persistent fever. Other ambiguous signs and symptoms characteristic of children may persist; they may be in a bad mood, or become lethargic.

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